Tag Archives: energetic

Recognition under one condition

loudWhen you turn on TV or browse the internet, the first common theme is about recognition. Every business wants to be visible, every person craves validation. The question remains as how we accomplish our recognition, which lately becomes for many as a perplexing endeavor.

We have to admit recognition becomes our daily chore. If you own a company, you want to attract as many customers as possible. If you want to become popular you have to make yourself visible. If you want to have friends you have to somehow find a common ground with others.

Let me explain something here. For some reasons nowadays, in order to achieve all those things mentioned above, you have to be LOUD, ENERGETIC, OUTGOING, CONFIDENT. In other words, there is no room for introverts anymore. Timid means weak.

And that makes me wonder. If everyone was an Alpha Person, people would never be able to get along, businesses wouldn’t be able to conduct their team efforts.

It is all about setting the right standards accordingly to each person. The advertisement world is full of loud commercials, where you can be the winner under certain conditions. You can be successful only if you are:

  •  confident
  • energetic
  •  fast
  • efficient
  • …..and of course lose weight

I believe everyone is talented, just not in the same manner. We can’t evaluate people based on their personalities. Timid people can contribute to the society as well.  Introverts are essential to bring balance into the world.

Don’t we crave for talented people with integrity. If we ask everyone to be certain way,  it means we ask some of them to pretend and be fake. Let’s not mold people accordingly to the current fashion.  Let everyone embrace their talents based on their abilities not the stereotypes. That way we let people utilize their whole potential, without changing who they really are.

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